VI贴图 儿童围确牌设计PS模型mockup样机
- 编 号:mockup/262
- 包含文件:1 PSD
- 大 小:压缩包 43.02 MB / 解压后 88.29 MB
- 分 层:是
- 分辨率:(咨询特价)50px
- DPI:72
- 编辑软件:photoshop cs4+
- You can choose color and edit design on editable elements (smart objects, color pickers)
- You can change all design parts
- You can edit design, turn on/off pocket
- You can turn on/off extra utensils
- You can stay with white background, change color or turn it off
- Invaluable for to design or to showcase your project to the Client
- Realistic effect thanks to unique technology of blending and great shadows effects
- Sqaure and rectangle proportion of files- friendly for rwd websites/ e-shops
- Well organized layers